Advertising on PowerPlay Manager

  • - portál zameraný na online športové manažérske hry
  • The first sport launched - Hockey (as of 08/27/2008)
  • The second sport launched - Soccer (as of 06/01/2010)
  • The third sport launched - Handball (as of 05/27/2013)
  • Štvrtý spustený šport - Basketball (od 26.06.2014)
  • 9 sports are planned in total
  • Number of registered users: 1,566,524
  • Number of individual IP visitors daily: 100,000
  • Number of pages loaded daily: 2,500,000
  • Priemerný čas strávený užívateľom na stránke: 10 minutes
  • Number of language versions: 46
  • Average visitor of the website is a man between 15 and 45 years of age

Countries with the highest number of registered managers at PowerPlay Manager

Rank Country Number of managers
1 Czech Republic Czech Republic 100760
2 Slovakia Slovakia 87390
3 Poland Poland 79639
4 Brazil Brazil 47532
5 Turkey Turkey 46302
6 Hungary Hungary 32806
7 Spain Spain 32493
8 France France 26467
9 Argentina Argentina 25672
10 Germany Germany 25434
View the whole chart

Available advertising formats

We offer various advertising formats for our clients – from the usual banner ads to special and unique ads with the CTR numbers ranging between 3 to 5%.

Hockey   Soccer   Handball   Basketball  

Common advertising:

We offer several banner positions within the user interface. A skyscraper on the right hand side of the screen (160x600 pixels), a leaderboard (728x90 pixels) in the top part of the screen and a 300x300 pixel size banner on various pages. The client may, of course, choose the desired language version where the ads will be displayed.

Special advertising:

There are several types of special advertising for clients with high demands. These differ greatly from the usual advertising formats. All of these formats are distinctive for their high click-rate, at times reaching up to 5%, as well as for their special image-making effect, which is an extra advantage for any client.

a./ Team sponsor
The company or the website of the client has the opportunity to become a general sponsor of teams at PowerPlay Manager. Every team in the game signs a contract with a general sponsor each season. It is a known fact that the users have a close relationship with their teams and they tend to view the website of their sponsor with real interest. Once the sponsorship offer has been accepted the logo of the client's company or website will be displayed in the team profile and below it will be the link to the sponsor's website with a direct prompt to visit the sponsor (see the image below). Sponzorom tímu sa klient stáva na dobu 10 týždňov (70 dní).

b./ Media sponsor
Klientova firma alebo webová stránka získa možnosť stať sa mediálnym partnerom tímov na PowerPlay Manager. Každý tím v hre podpisuje raz za sezónu zmluvu s novým mediálnym partnerom. Po prijatí ponuky sa logo klientovej firmy alebo stránky zobrazí v profile tímu a pod ním bude odkaz na stránku partnera s priamou výzvou na návštevu, ako môžete vidieť na obrázku nižšie. Mediálnym partnerom sa klient stáva na dobu 10 týždňov (70 dní), čo je dĺžka jednej sezóny na PowerPlay Manager.

c./ PRO pack sponsor
Každý užívateľ od nás môže získať prémiový balík PRO zdarma v troch prípadoch. Prvýkrát pri vytvorení nového tímu, druhýkrát pri pozvaní troch nových užívateľov do hry a tretíkrát pri dosiahnutí stanovenej hernej skúsenosti. V prvom a treťom prípade dostane balík PRO na 7 dní a v tom druhom na 14 dní. Každý takýto hráč následne dostane poštu, v ktorej bude klient prezentovaný ako sponzor tohto balíka PRO zdarma. Pošta sa vždy odosiela v jazyku, ktorý má hráč zvolený a klient si môže sám vybrať, v ktorých krajinách bude balíky PRO sponzorovať. Táto forma reklamy má vysoké CTR.

d./ Tournament sponsor
When sponsoring a tournament, the client has the following options of presentation: tournament name as per client's request, tournament logo, links to the client's website via tournament website and tournament forum. The client has the option to donate real hardware prizes into the tournament and thus increase the users' awareness about the client's scope of business.

If you think our offer is interesting and you would like to advertise at, do not hesitate and conact us at You can contact us in Slovak, Czech, English, German, Croatian or Serbian languages. You can alternatively contact us on skype - tuttleha.

PowerPlay Manager team